Pack Walks

Pack walks provide an opportunity to socialize with other dogs and learn important social skills such as communication, cooperation, and respect for others. They also provide an outlet for exercise and mental stimulation, which can help to reduce behavior problems. Savvy Trainers focus on leash manners and basic obedience with all the dogs.

$45 per pack walk

Pack Walks are currently only offered for dogs that we’ve personally trained.

If your dog has completed one of our training programs, then you can apply for our pack walks!

Structured & safe socialization. Monday-Friday, Pack Walks are an hour of walking, while practicing basic obedience and manners.

Pick-up and drop-off time will vary, with pickups starting around 9:30am. Handlers use slip leads on all dogs for safety. 

*Pack Walks are currently for Petaluma Residents ONLY*